RULING GOD: Lord Kuber (भगवान कुबेर)
RULING PLANET: Venus (शुक्र)
DESCRIPTION: An Extremely rare bead, blessed by Lord Kuber has 21 Lines on it which is why it is called as 21 Mukhi Rudraksha. Lord of Yakshas, devotee of Lord Shiva and known as Dhanapati (Lord of the Riches), Lord kuber blesses the wearer of 21 mukhi rudraksha with immense wealth, prosperity and materialistic desires.
भगवान कुबेर द्वारा आशीर्वादित एक अत्यंत दुर्लभ मोती पर 21 रेखाएँ होती हैं, यही कारण है कि इसे 21 मुखी रुद्राक्ष कहा जाता है। भगवान कुबेर 21 मुखी रुद्राक्ष पहनने
वाले को अपार धन, समृद्धि और भौतिक इच्छाओं का आशीर्वाद देते हैं।
BENEFITS: With the blessing of Lord Kuber, the wearer of 21 Mukhi Rudraksha becomes healthy and wealthy and is blessed with name, fame & abundance. It gives relief from stress and depression and also eliminates fear and anxiety. As the ruling planet of 21 Mukhi Rudraksha is Pluto which rules all the planets, it also helps to lead a balance life by all means.
WHEN TO WEAR: Monday (सोमवार)
HOW TO WEAR: 21 faced Rudraksha should be worn During Brahm Muhurt. It should be worn on Monday in red silk thread being capped in silver or gold. One should also make sure that it touches the skin for the best of the result. Worship Lord Narayan facing east direction and Chant “Om Yakshaya Kuberaya vaishnavanaya dhan-dhanya-dhi-pataye dhan-dhanya-samriddhim me dehi dapaya svaha” atleast 108 times before wearing it. It can be worn around neck or as a bracelet.
21 मुखी रुद्राक्ष को लाल रेशमी धागे में चांदी या सोने की कैपिंग के साथ सोमवार के दिन धारण करना चाहिए।
CHANTING/JAP MANTRA: “Om Yakshaya Kuberaya vaishnavanaya dhan-dhanya-dhi-pataye dhan-dhanya-samriddhim me dehi dapaya svaha” "ओम यक्षाय कुबेराय वैष्णवाय धन-धान्य-धि-पतये धन-धान्य-समृद्धिम मे देहि दापय स्वाहा"
CARE INSTRUCTIONS: For the best life and result of Rudraksha, follow below instructions.
- Wash it either with shampoo or facewash atleast once a month, dry it with soft fresh towel and dip it in Itra (इत्र)
- Apply Itra atleast twice a week.
- Dip it in Itra fotr 24 years, atleast twice a year.
- Women should not wear it during menstruation cycle and wash it following above instructions before wearing it.